Thursday 25 March 2010

Another New Start

It's ironic that when you are really, truly enjoying your life, you don't reflect on it as much as when those nasty, frustrating or sad little things happen. So it's been that a contented little Scottish girl roaming the big wide world with a camera and the desire to be a decent writer did not, in actuality, write very much at all.

Suwon rocked my socks, for a very wonderful year. Now it's London's turn to rock 'em even more.

Many many more photos to come, and maybe even some decent stories...


  1. Blackwoodii!!! So you got the London job, did ya? Congrats!

  2. Lol no London job yet but more interviews, so I'm planning on moving down and giving it 6 months to see how it goes. If it doesn't work out I'll go back to Korea, if it does then yey :)
