Friday, 16 April 2010

Brand Interaction... and silly movies

You can have fun with brands, honest.

That's the thing about the digital realm - people go there with the intention of being entertained, be it online shopping or watching a crazy little viral movie with a catchy song or a dancing kitten. And as much as there is a business-orientated slant to them, in the end this stuff is being made with the primary desire to just... make people smile. Then buy stuff. BUT firstly, smile :) That's what brand experience is all about.

Uniqlo reminds me of shopping in Myeongdong in Seoul with my chingus.

♥! :)!


  1. I actually did a huge portion of my clothes shopping in Japan at Uniqlo. There's only one in the US as far as I know, and you can't order their clothes online. So last time I was in NYC, I stocked up on their micro fleece pajamas, which I swear are the most comfortable in the world. I get the sense that they're trying to create attention and build in the same way In and Out burger has become so popular by refusing to expand outside of California. Uniqlo is always packed when I go there.

  2. I bought the most amazing jammies in Korea at Uniqlo, it's a knee length polka-dot fleece nightdress WITH hood! Kept me snug all winter, even at -22C :) Apparently there's one in London - I MUST find it.
